Five Tips to Make Writing More Fun

Writing can be a tricky endeavor, because you may not always want to write. I think there are a number of things that can help with this effort. The hope is to make it more fun to write and more inspiring to write. Here are five tips to make writing more fun:

Tip #1: Plan your writing
Often times the worst part of writing is not knowing what you want to write. That blank screen can be intimidating. By taking some time to plan your writing, it gives you “training wheels” on starting to write. That can make things a lot easier.

Tip #2: Dig up inspiration
Sometimes the best way to move forward is to find pieces of writing, artwork, or music that inspire you. That inspiration can give you a feeling that you can then describe in your work. That feeling not only helps move the word count forward, but it can help you give some extra authenticity to your work.

Tip #3: Writing prompts
When you don’t have anything particular to write, but you still want to write, these can be very useful. They help you by tipping you into a particular topic or thought experiment. They ask the question, what if, and leave it open ended for you to resolve. That can make things a lot more fun, since you get to answer the question however you desire.

Tip #4: Use word count meters
Sometimes the best way to get words on the screen is to use a word count meter. These can not only track how much you are writing, but at what pace. That can help you force yourself to write more words and improve your craft much faster.

Tip #5: Think about what makes you happy
Sometimes the best way to build a wonderful product is to determine what makes you happy. If you like writing about funny stories, write a funny story. If you like thinking about action and how to make things move fast, write that. If you just want to write something to work out the kinks in your own head, write that. Ultimately, if you’re writing something that makes you happy, you are much more likely to write.

Bonus Tip: Dig out an app or book

Sometimes the best way to have fun writing is to look at from a new perspective. That can be done through a new writing app or reference book. Even looking up articles on writing can help. Example apps include ones that have timers and if you don’t beat the clock, you lose your writing. Example books can include reference or thesaurus books that are based on setting. These can provide a breath of fresh air or perspective to your writing, which can make it fun again. In addition, these can help bolster areas that you may dislike or not be as strong in. For example, if you aren’t good at describing scenery, then a reference book may help kick start you in the right direction. If you suffer when writing dialog, a book may make that more effective. By becoming more proficient, you can build a better attitude (and have more fun) when writing.

In summation, plan your writing and frame it with some inspiration points. If you aren’t sure what to write, use writing prompts. Use word count meters to measure your progress and really focus on what things make you happy to write. For me, writing articles like this makes me happy.

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