
Showing posts from December, 2018

Excited about 2019

As the new year starts, I'm reminded of all the progress I made in the past year. I was able to write a new book, the first in several years. I was able to post a number of articles online and sell a number of articles. I changed my website to be practically free. And I was able to get Christmas gifts towards building a writing lab. I'm very grateful for the progress I've made this year, and I'm looking forward to making more progress next year. I enjoy the adventure of writing, and the freedom it provides. Excited about 2019!

Time is long and time is short

Thinking about the amount of years I have until retirement feel like time is very long. In the same instance, the amount of time before all the due dates is very short. There's a discrepancy somewhere in there. Psy overestimate what I can do in the short term and underestimate what I can do in the long term. I suppose the biggest objective one can reach at any given time is balance between work and play. How do you know you get there though? Does it just become a feeling of balance? I'm not sure, and I'll have to figure this out.